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United States

1 - 35 of 100
55 Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 47
46 Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 27 - 39
I receive telepathic information from the 1 and Only true Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who is Israel to leave those old hens and unfertile women alone and only communicate with the women who are younger, fertile, nonviolent and non-aggressive who believes in and also practice and living on a day-to-day basis doing unto others as they want them to do back unto them in return Whatever that means I guess? I'm just a human parakeet repeating what I heard telepathically within my mind during prayer and meditations for a perfect absolute rare and unique and gorgeous looking female to spend the rest of my days on Earth with Who is younger than I am and fertile than I am from the individuals that I believe to be the 1 and only true Living God of this whole entire universe and everything that surrounds the universe in all directions. Now on to the telepathic information that I received about the prophecy of the beautiful, gorgeous, rare and unique looking Colombian woman who is capable of paying for her on travel expenses such as her visa and passport and airline tickets was reveal unto me telepathically, that when I come across you that I am not suppose to reject you and to accept you as you are with open arms and a open heart because you are the 1 and only true naturally born female individual that cares enough to pay for her own travel expenses just so that she can have an opportunity to meet me here safely face-to-face in Fort Worth Texas, U.S.A. Due to 95% of the women here on this website are nothing but scam artist, I only wish and desire to only talk to women that have Diamond membership because I believe without any logical benefit of a doubt within my mind that this will increase my chances significantly not coming across a scam artist woman or man with women photos pretending to be a woman. Scam artist just don't get it that I am wise enough and experienced enough with internet dating to know that if you are begging and asking for money then you are obviously a scam artist. If you are too lazy or poor to pay for your travel expenses then you are worthless, pathetic and obviously a scam artist which is literally a waste of my time. WARNING: I wrote my profile like this in order not to waste my time and to also ward off the scam artist, tricksters, women who are not looking for husbands, and who are not ready to get married at this moment in time and space in their lives. Women like this are nothing but a big waste of my time and make it hard for me to be able to separate the real women from the fake ones. There are billions of women here on this planetoid in this solar system but still nonetheless according to the United States of America Laws, rules and regulations that a man in America can only marry 1 woman at a time unless they live in states were Polygamy is legal such as Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and some more neighboring states, as well 1 would think with billions of women here on Earth 🌎 that it should be easy to find a nonvolent woman who would not attempt to do domestic violence to you for any reason at all female but unfortunately and naturally it is not. With billions of women on this planet 🌎 means that a man only has about a 99.99% chance that every person that he meets on this website are not marriage material and only has roughly about a 0.01% chance that he might meet someone on this website that could actually be considered wife material from the man's perspective of course naturally with a small waistline and a perfectly round ass that is not fat or obese. 1st. of all I only wish and desire to talk to the rare and unique American Native American, American Oriental women that have perfectly round asses that are not fat or obese 2nd. I also don't mind talking to rare and unique Arab women with perfect round asses for marriage purposes only of course naturally. 3rd. I don't mind talking to rare and unique Colombian, Dominican Republic, and Brazilian women with perfect round asses attached to their female anatomy. If your legs, hips, thighs, and buttocks are not noticeable rare, or unique then please do not bother me or waste my time and if you do have the legs, hips, thighs buttocks, waistline who is not fat or obese and I accidentally did not contact you back then the only reason logic with dictate why I did not contact you back was because I could not see what your shaped like or design like from the waistline down to your feet so therefore I was unable to collect enough data in order to make a proper and wise decision within my mind if I would want to kick it with you safely here in the USA face to face or not WARNING: NO BLACK WOMEN OR AFRICAN WOMEN they're just too damn aggressive, abusive and disrespectfu. Don't get me wrong I most definitely understand why they are this way because logic would dictate that it is because they are the original prehistoric natives women of this solar system and planet Earth and had to walk the face this planet during the prehistoric beast, animals and dinosaurs 🦕 and they had to be extremely very aggressive during these time periods in order to keep the Homosapien species alive and make it possible for all naturally purebred homosapiens and the homosapiens mixed with neanderthal to exist today in this timeline where we exist in, which makes them the most dominant and aggressive females on the face of the planet and they are just too much for me to handle. Just because I am a ⚫ Black Original Native of Planet Earth man does not mean that I should only talk to ⚫ Black Original Natives Of Planet Earth women who are closely related of African descent. I am the type of man that is into women that are shaped like ⚫ Black and African women but who are most definitely not ⚫ Black in the skin tone are in facial features are hair structure. What I desire and prefer is a Native American, Asian or Oriental woman with the body of a ⚫ Black Woman but then also I'm old enough and wise enough to know that what I want and what I can get are most definitely 2 different things. What I want is absolute female homosapien Goddess like perfection body structure and shape. WARNING: If you have a perfect flat ass then you are wasting your time with a man like myself because I only wish and desire to talk to women that have perfect body structures from the neck down to their feet with the matching perfect round asses to go along with her absolute female homosapien beauty and perfection. So in other words if you have a perfect flat ass then you need to leave my profile right now at this very exact moment in time and space and find somebody else that can bear to be with a woman with a perfect flat ass because I'm not the 1 for you. Women with perfect flat asses is not what I am looking for here on this website and is also nothing but a big waste of my time because I have type 2 diabetes and I could never fall in love with such women or be excited or in the mood to have sex with such a female, and it is not my fault that I'm this way it's just that all of us humans down here on earth 🌎 like what their naturally chemically designed and chemically programmed within their brains to like, so please take no offense for my outbursts towards all females with flat asses shapes. So if you have a perfect flat ass then I would advise you to immediately leave my profile and block me instantaneously afterwards, because if you don't block me then I will most definitely block you. If you can't afford your travel expenses then you are literally nothing but a waste of my time because I'm not here on this website to give away money are to be used or misused financially by some scam artist. The only people on 🌎 Earth that are guarantee to get married are women because they have the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus witch is known as a vagina. I only wish to talk to perfect women who are looking for husband's and who are ready to get married at this very exact stage in their lives. I am not a bank! I am not a ATM Machine! I am not a charity! I am not going to send you money through Western Union, Moneygram, Cash App or any other internet money transfer service! I am not going to give you my bank account numbers, credit card information or my Social Security Numbers! If you do not have a passport and do not want to work at a job in your country inorder to pay for your own passport then it will be 100% impossible for me or any other American man to be able to get you a Visa if you do not have a passport. If you are poor and extremely rare looking, unique looking, breathtakingly gorgeous and will not let me pay for your Visa and airline ticket with using my credit card then please leave me alone because I am not going to send you the money. If I have to financially support you or send you money and pay all your bills while you are living 500 too 5000 miles away from me on the other side of the world or on the other side of the USA then please do not waste my time because I am not going to financially support you If you are not my wife or if you're not having sex with me. I am that I am. I'm not the handsomest man in the world but then also I'm not the ugliest. I am not the youngest man in the world but then also I am not the oldest. I'm not the richest man in the world but then also I'm not the poorest. I'm not the tallest man in the world but then also I'm not the shortest. I don't have the darkest skin on Earth 🌎 but then also I don't have the lightest. I'm not the smartest man in the world but then also I am most definitely not lowbrau, or micro brain, or a pea brain individual living here in this first world country known as the United States of America. I'm not the fattest man in the world but then also I'm not the skinniest. I'm not the strongest man in the world but then also I'm not the weakest. I don't have the biggest penis in the world but then also I don't have the smallest. I am just me. I am perfect but then also I am not perfect if that makes any sense to you. I am the man that you are looking for here on this website, but then also I am not the man that you are looking for here on this website. I am the man that you are in search of here on this website for a serious lifelong marriage without divorce and then also I am not the man that you're searching for when it comes to a serious lifelong marriage without divorce. I am the man that you hate to love, but then also I'm the man you love to hate. If you are willing to accept me as I am then I will do the same for you back in return as long as you have a perfect round ass on your female figure and anatomy and what you see in my profile photos is what you get when it comes down to my physical male anatomy formation and body structure. Logic dictates that a fully developed full grown woman should be mature enough and wise enough to know what type of man they are looking for to be their lifetime companion. Logic also dictates that a fully develop full grown woman's should also be wise enough too already know by her 10th date or by her 10th boyfriend that what she wants and what she can get are most definitely 2 different things down here in the realistic logical game of life, love and marriage on this planetoid, and section of the endless void of outer space where are solar system is located at. Bottom line is if you are not looking for marriage with me then this will end up being a waste of your time. I believe women should put the biological fathers of their children on child support and use them for babysitters in order to go out on dates and adventures with other people and associates! If you have children that is ok👌 😎 with me and I promise you that I will love and respect your children identical to how Joseph loved and respected Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The US Veteran Affairs department will pay your children that graduate from high school and decide to go to college or learn a trade $1,500 a month to go to school full-time and half at at for them to go to school part-time until they turn age 24. Also if my wife decides to go to school in order to learn and earn a trade, master's degree or doctrines degree in any subject of their choice then the United States Federal Government Department of Veteran Affairs will pay her $1,500 a month to go to school full-time and half of that to go to school part-time. The United States of America Department of Veteran Affairs will also give me extra money per month for having a wife for as long as we are married to 1 another. And I do not have to pay property tax on a house, building or a piece of property. And I have much more benefits that I received for being a 100% Disabled service connected Iraqi Freedom Veteran through the United States Federal Government Department of Veteran Affairs but there is way too many Benefits to write here on my profile, but I guess the important thing you need to know about me is that I'm not criminal minded or Penitentiary minded and I do not believe that I was birthed into this world to fill up the jails and penitentiary's of this world and also I would rather seek and see what can a life in lifestyle of the US military can do for me first before I ever attempt to consider to seek and see what could a particular life and lifestyle of the US penitentiary can do for me. And to be straightforward and honest with you I really don’t care what homosapien race of human you are as long as you are the same species as I am and have a perfect round ass to go with your female anatomy
58 San Antonio, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 45 - 60
45 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 45 - 53
35 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 23 - 90
25 Spring Hill, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 19 - 38
45 Columbus, Georgia, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 60
34 Seattle, Washington, United States
Seeking: Female 20 - 49
35 Fairbanks, Alaska, United States
Seeking: Female 23 - 36
35 El Paso, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 23 - 41
52 Saint Petersburg, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 31 - 54

